Data extraction for C/SIDE Database

VladiVladi Member Posts: 4
I need some help from you. I'm looking for a tool, which can extract the data from Navision tables and forward it to a SQL-database. The tool can be based on the C/ODBC-driver or smth. else? It must be similar to the DTS-tool for SQL. The task is also to transfer the data from one country to another. That will be necessary to use Navision together with SAP-Business Warehouse. So, I don't need a Business Warehouse solution, only the extraction part of it. Can you help?


  • aohlfsenaohlfsen Member Posts: 30
    These guys did some exchange between Navision and SAP stuff.

    Look for the Danisco customer story.
  • IHateLinuxIHateLinux Member Posts: 223

    we did some data exchange before using our product formerly called SHARELOCK.
    What do you need exactly?
    With SHARELOCK all the data export has been based on a configuration, so perhaps it is something for you.
    Try to contact them over web form

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