Yesterday I've expanded my add-on menusuite with a new menu containing several sub-menus
This morning I noticed this menu was completely messed up.
When I tried designing it to straigten things up I noticed that my changes were not saved.
After exporting it to a txt file I noticed the ID's were messed up.
I solved it by creating a new menu and cutting/pasting the submenu's into that.
The bug still exitst in 4.01 (Sp1)
My question: Has anyone else experienced this problem?
I found interesting thing- the same database 4.0 (Navision server), some users can see this submenu, some users not (unfortuantely - I am one of them). All users have the same permisions and use the same licence.
close the database and open it again to see the changes.
if u couldnt see the Add-on menu, refresh the navigation pane by right clicking the menu on the navigation pane.
There is no bug. Just do it correctly.
Shilpa Reddy
Where have you read how I've designed the menusuite? Or do you just assume it? [-X
It was an existing menusuite 51 that I've changed from the objectdesigner. :?
I've exported the thing to txt and actualy noticed the bug myself.
I don't agree. If some users can see menu some users not.
Is it not bug ????