I have code that looks like this:
JobLedgerEntry.SETFILTER("Document No.",MyNumber);
JobLedgerEntry.SETFILTER(JobLedgerEntry."Unit of Measure Code",'Piece');
IF NOT JobLedgerEntry.FIND('-') THEN
JobLedgerEntry is record of subtype Job Ledger Entry (table 169).
When I run the code it can't find that first record (EXIT is allways executed) allthough I know that after setting those filters I have 2 records in table 169.
I'm I missing something or... ](*,)
Better to be critical then self-critical
You can try to use CAPS in your 'PIECE' filter instead of 'Piece'
Anyway, I solved it. It was that Unit of... filter :oops:
I guess I had to post to solve that problem