So there have to be some pretty good ways of doing this. Here's a particularly stupid, inefficient and unsecure way that I can think of straight away:
* Build an exe that polls for a file and uses c/front or odbc to access navision
* Since your exe is polling for a file on a windows system, you need samba on your Linux system to map to the windows directory
* Use PHP and Apache on the Linux system to build a web page that saves off appropriate files for your application to consume on the samba-created share.
You can probably just use c/front or the ODBC to save to the DB from an ASP.NET webpage. ASP.NET with the navision ODBC is probably the first thing to try.
Comments ... ision_3.56
So there have to be some pretty good ways of doing this. Here's a particularly stupid, inefficient and unsecure way that I can think of straight away:
* Build an exe that polls for a file and uses c/front or odbc to access navision
* Since your exe is polling for a file on a windows system, you need samba on your Linux system to map to the windows directory
* Use PHP and Apache on the Linux system to build a web page that saves off appropriate files for your application to consume on the samba-created share.
You can probably just use c/front or the ODBC to save to the DB from an ASP.NET webpage. ASP.NET with the navision ODBC is probably the first thing to try.