Hi guys!
I need different ideas here. ( using Nav4)
What type of fields or tables should I create to be able to manage those 2 scenarios:
1. An airplane part ( which is define as an item in Navision) can be applicable to ONE or MANY aircraft model. The applicability of the part is important for reporting (ex give me all the part applicable to a given aircraft). The applicability will be an aircraft model name.
2. Aircraft parts can be associated to an optional ATA number. This number indicates the section of the airplane where it applies. A part can have many ATA number.
PS: I saw that in the item table , there is a field call "Class". Can I use that field, if yes how?
are all the parts in 1 location? or do you have several locations?
maybe the Item->Cross Reference table can be used here.. :-k
Table "Aircraft Model". Defines all the aircraft models
Field10:"Aircraft Model Code" (Primary key field)
Table "Aircraft Part". Defines which item can be used in which aircraft model. (PS:you can also swich the 2 primary key fields, meaning that the primary key can also be "Item No.","Aircraft Model Code")
Field10:"Aircraft Model Code". Linked to table "Aircraft Model". (Primary key field)
Field20:"Item No.". Linked to table 27:"Item". (Primary key field)
Field100:"ATA Number".
Secondary indexes : "Item No.","Aircraft Model Code" and "ATA Number" (this last one if needed)
-Report:give me all parts of an aircraft model => filter on field "Aircraft Part"."Aircraft Model Code"
-given a ATA Number => search in the table and you know in which aircraft model it is used and which is the part.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!