
Exporting to Excel

ndonohoendonohoe Member Posts: 15
edited 2005-11-23 in Navision Financials
I have a report that I export to excel and it was fine till I added to the output.
I am trying to add a lot of text to one cell (up to 20 lines of 200 characters) with this code. The labelline variable has a dimension property of 20. My problen is it bombs out with 'There is not sufficient available space in the C/AL stack memory to execute this task...' even if I drop it down to 6 lines. Any suggestions anyone?? Is it an excel limitation or Navision?
IF "Label Declaration".Type = "Label Declaration".Type::"Cooking Instructions " THEN sheet.Range('m' +FORMAT(i)).Value := LabelLine[1] + ' ' + LabelLine[2]+ ' '+ LabelLine[3] +' '+ LabelLine[4] +' ' + LabelLine[5]+ ' ' + LabelLine[6]+ ' '+ LabelLine[7]+' ' + LabelLine[8] + ' ' + LabelLine[9] + ' ' + LabelLine[10] + ' ' + LabelLine[11] + ' ' + LabelLine[12] + ' ' + LabelLine[13] + ' ' + LabelLine[14] + ' ' + LabelLine[15] + ' ' + LabelLine[16] + ' ' + LabelLine[17] + ' ' + LabelLine[18] +' ' + LabelLine[19] + ' ' + LabelLine[20]


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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    This is problem that Navision can work only with text up to 1024 characters. Longer text = problems...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    ndonohoendonohoe Member Posts: 15
    Thanks Kine!
    To solve I will export each line (200 characters) to new cell per line then add a macro at the end to concatenate.

    Thanks again.
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