EmailRecipient:=''; Subject:='test email'; SmtpMail.NewMessage('','Test'); SmtpMail.SetWorkMode(); SmtpMail.SetHost(''); SmtpMail.SetUserID('scgate'); SmtpMail.AddLine('test'); SmtpMail.SetToAdress(''); SmtpMail.Send; IF NOT SmtpMail.WasSuccessful THEN MESSAGE(SmtpMail.LastError);
Null Externe Adresse
but now new error cone out
its erorr number 530 5.7.1 and its mean Authentication required [AUTH]
and i find the Removal Instructions
but i dont understand this Instructions can any one help tell me in steps
how to enable/disable authentication obligation
We have same error "Null Externe Adresse" . Is an authentication error?
What can I do?