I'm in need for help on configurring navi 3.55 on network.
Situation: 1 NT4 Workstation (client), 1 WIN98 (client and server).
I want the server on the fastest Pc.
Databasefile on NT (back-up facility).
I can start the server and 1 client on WIN98.
Trying to start second client on NT, I get an error from netbios: error 20 - cannot find name called.
All other network items work fine, I can see all - do all, just not with navi.
From first client I cna see and select databasefil on NT machine.
Have I configurred my network settings wrong?
Best regards
- happy holydays and wishes for a happy Y2K
Apparantly the call to the netbios function doesn't work !!
Benny Giebens
try nettype=tcp, Microsoft uses tcp/ip af default protocol.
My version of Navision is 3.55a, pure 16-bit.
I do not have the mentioned "navin.exe" and "servern.exe" in my diretory.
I've tried a "clean" netbeui installation, and set nettype=netb.
Server and client on PC1 runs fine. I can see and use databasefile on PC2.
Client on PC2 doesn't start or starts with errorcorde 20 from netbios "named called not found".
I'll investigate further inte the mystics of networking.
Problem was in netbios settings.
Thanks for your help!