Send email to contact

ReinoudReinoud Member Posts: 58
I posted this before but have received no replies. Maybe to difficult, but i refrase my question.
I want to send an email by clicking the contact card. Then the interactin dialog forms starts up with page 1. So far so good. After entering the data on the page and going to the second page, the system shuts down.
So far I heard that this has something to do with faulty dll. I do not know but whta shoudl be done. This is 4.1 navision.

It goes wrong with the statement create application, does that help?


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Please, try re-registering OLAddin.dll and OLHandler.dll in client folder (run "regsvr32 OLAddin.dll" and "regsvr32 OLHandler.dll")
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • ReinoudReinoud Member Posts: 58
    The oladdin.dll was not in the client root so i copied this one from cd.
    Then re- or regsitered the 2 dll's. Problem remains. On page 2 of interaction abort.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    It goes wrong with the statement create application, does that help?

    Can you be more specific?
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • ReinoudReinoud Member Posts: 58
    codeunit 397
    here it goes wrong
    IF ISCLEAR(OApplication) THEN

    IF (NOT OApplication.Logon(TRUE,'','',FALSE,FALSE)) THEN BEGIN

    Oapplication is also not initialised, but I do not know if that is necessary.
  • Dmitry_ChadaevDmitry_Chadaev Member Posts: 52

    Just FYI - OLAddin.dll is not used while sending e-mails. Only OLHandler.dll and NATHash.dll are used.

    OLAddin.dll is used for jumping from Outlook Item to Navision record using URL stored in one of the user-defined ifelds of the synchronized Outlook Item.

    Have you tried to unregister OLHandler.dll and NATHash.dll before you register them again? For example - "regsvr32 OLHandler.dll /u". Try to find a different copy of these 2 dlls.

    Is the Navision application just dies - or does it produce some particular error message?
    Best regards,
  • ReinoudReinoud Member Posts: 58
    The program terminates and restarts without any message.
    I looked soemwhat further adn saw that the error sarts to ocuur somewhat later, but in the same codeunit.
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