Web Report for Navision
Dynamic Web Reporting tool for Navision on the Web.
To change the database path, open the ShowDataBase.txt file with a text editor and change path or if using SQL open dbase.ini file and change the settings.
To show only table you wish others to see, you can edit the file ShowTables.txt. The file is set to * to show all tables and views but this can be changed to show only the tables you wish. The format is [COMPANYNAME$Cust_ Ledger Entry Archive],etc....
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--- Sorting
--- Selecting fields
Good Luck...
Really your code rocks.. !! But I got the issue when I query something its shows on the address bar.. How can I remove it or dont wants to show to my users.. !!
i tried to use the web report and i got an error it didnt work out...plus i changed the db settings for mine im using sql DB
if someone can help..please