we recently migrated from 3.60,C/Side to 3.70, SQL.
It seems that Navision isnt updating the zup file when people make changes to the layout.
I'm using two different command lines in the shortcuts and neither seem to have any effect.
The local users use:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision 370\Client\finsql.exe" servername=vosk-sqlnavi, database=VOSK_SQL_LIVE, ntauthentication=nee (nee is dutch for no)
the people who work on our terminal servers (ms Win Server 2003 with RES Powerfuse) use:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision 370\Client\finsql.exe" servername=vosk-sqlnavi, database=VOSK_SQL_LIVE, ntauthentication=nee, ID=H:\navissql, TEMPPATH=H:\navitemp
H: is a network mapping to their home directory.
In their home dir I see a navissql.zup being created. Still, next time they start Navision they get the standard layout again and need to set up Navision to their preferences.
It even went as far that when 1 person changed the settings of a screen and exitted, the defaults where restored next time he entered that screen. That was during the same session so he didnt exit anything.
Does anyone have any tips? Is my command line wrong? Or could it be that Navision is doing something wrong?
Any help is appreciated.
2) I assume, that the users have full permissions on the folder where the ZUP is saved. Did you tried to delete the old zup and let Navision create new one? (to be sure, that there is no ptoblem with the 3.60 zup under 3.70 client)?
3) Is this problem of all forms or only some forms? (there is property which can disable this per form bases...)
4) Can you see in the File menu the previously opened databases? Are saved for example changes in Tools - Options?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Yes, its their homedir and have full permission.
I didnt delete the old zupfile but I did change the commandline from id=NAVISION to id=NAVISSQL so that should basicly do the same as removing the old.
I dont have confirmation that it works or not from our terminal users (different location) but with one local user the problem still existed.
Dont know 100% certain but it seems its a problem on all forms. Will look into the disabling thing.
I can see the last 5 companies I opened so thats being remembered. It works both locally and tru remote desktop.
I dont quite get the last part of that one though :oops:
It seems, that zup is created and updated without problems. Another thing: The settings are sensitive to object "versions". If you change (or save) the form in designer or import new version through fob file, all settings will be lost. But I thing, it is not your case...
Please, if you can, create new empty form for example for table 27 (through Wizard) with some fields. Save it, run it, move it, close it, run it. Where is the form? On last postition or back in the center?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Because it seems to me that you have two diferent zup files being created, and in different folders as well.
One is created in the user folder under windows, with the default zup filename - user logs directly to database), and another when the user connects through Terminal Server.
My sugestion is that in both command lines point to the same folder and file, i.e., ID=H:\navissql
the command line goes to 1 specific path.
Apparently, the old zup was still there and that might have caused the problems.
I changed to commandline so it would make a completely new zup-file and now it seems that it works.
sorry for the late reply :oops: