I have to connect an remote office to our Navision Server. But I am sure a simple ISDN connection in too slow.
Have any of you experience with Replicator for Navision? Is it better than a WTS solution?
Thank you in advance for your comments,
I'm working in replication about 1 year & have some experience. I started with NF 1.30 but don't think that there many differences in older versions.
Then chose replicating then terminal solution:
Chose terminal :
If your department have up to 2 users & don't have huge work.
If your departments have same priority as headquater (must have data from couple departments, must have full accsses to all data & make all transactions)
If you don't care about data permisions (that department will see all transactions).
Chose replicating:
if department have hard working stations or have a lot of work.
if you need hide data from department.
if department have diferent db dessign.
if need data conversion.
If you decide use replicating be ready for changing C/AL in all tables.
I have maded solution in replicating. We are using 64kbps lines & have 11 departments with ~30 users (2-4 users in every department). They makes ~30 Mb traffic every day & it takes up to 4 hours replication. We chose replicating becouse Terminal solution was to slow & to expencive. Next thing: data protection from department viewing.
Thank you very much, I think then I will try first with Terminal Server and if it is very slow, then I will replicate, but it seems to be so much complicated than a terminal server solution.
Then chose replicating then terminal solution:
Chose terminal :
If your department have up to 2 users & don't have huge work.
If your departments have same priority as headquater (must have data from couple departments, must have full accsses to all data & make all transactions)
If you don't care about data permisions (that department will see all transactions).
Chose replicating:
if department have hard working stations or have a lot of work.
if you need hide data from department.
if department have diferent db dessign.
if need data conversion.
If you decide use replicating be ready for changing C/AL in all tables.
I have maded solution in replicating. We are using 64kbps lines & have 11 departments with ~30 users (2-4 users in every department). They makes ~30 Mb traffic every day & it takes up to 4 hours replication. We chose replicating becouse Terminal solution was to slow & to expencive. Next thing: data protection from department viewing.
Best regards,