This is a question about advanced warehouse modul:
I receive items which I store in a location.
The “Base unit of mesure” of my items is the UDS, but I store them in the put away zone in boxes (10 units in a box), so in the card Items the “Put away unit of mesure code” is the box.
The shipment is in "Base unit of mesure": UDS
The put away zone has the checks of pick and put away, so when I haven’t got enough stock in the picking zone, the system suggest to post items from the put away zone in UDS, because the shipment is in UDS. The problem is that I want to take out the products of the put away zone in boxes.
Isn’t possible to fix a unit of mesure in a zone?
If I want to take out items from the put away zone I want to use the “Put away unit of mesure code”, not the unit of mesure code of the shipment.
Thanks very much in advance.
Thanks a lot for your quick answer;
I have tried with the breakbulk functionality but it only let me the manual change of the unit of mesure, and I want to do it automatically.
What I want is to take out the items of the put-away zone in boxes, in order to always have plenty boxes in this zone.
Thanks a lot!