.tmp file redirection over Citrix

JWL5537JWL5537 Member Posts: 36
I'm new to Navision and have gone through the install. I have changed the parameters on the application that will be accessed via Citrix. I have everything redirected and doing what I want other than the .tmp file. I have tried temppath="FileLocation" and doesn't work.

Any ideas? ](*,)
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  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    Not a pretty fix, what we had to do was on the first open of Navision, go to Tools --> options

    and set the temp file there, once done it gets saved in the zup file and is good from that point on. Never could get it to set with the temppath="filelocation" parameter.

    good luck.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Did you enter the whole path? We had no problems with this on 3.70B under citrix...

    What is the problem? You set the path but this path is not used?
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • JWL5537JWL5537 Member Posts: 36
    Yes, entered the path where I want the temp files to go. temppath=C:\navision\temp. The zup files are being redirected correctly. Whenever you login over citrix it creates the user a profile and stores the temp file under C:\documents and settings\user_name\local settings\temp\1\. I tried to go to tools - options and change the directory there, it for some reason didn't like that. I would like to make it where whenever the user logs into citrix it didn't create a user profile. A lot of space taken up there. Any thoughts? #-o
    Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You are using publiced application to run the client? Have you set the parameter there?
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • JWL5537JWL5537 Member Posts: 36
    That's where I set the parameters.
    Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    can you send us whole "command" you publiced?
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • JWL5537JWL5537 Member Posts: 36
    As it reads now with the zup file redirect.

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Client\finsql.exe servername=NavisionSQLServer,database=dbase,ID=C:\Navision\zup\%Username%,NTauthentication=no,company=Company4.00,nettype=tcp

    I have tried it like this also:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Client\finsql.exe servername=NavisionSQLServer,database=dbase,ID=C:\Navision\zup\%Username%,Temppath=C:\Navision\temp\%Username%,NTauthentication=no,company=Company4.00,nettype=tcp

    The temppath line should show all together.
    Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare.
  • JWL5537JWL5537 Member Posts: 36
    Any thoughts anyone???
    Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare.
  • ajhvdbajhvdb Member Posts: 672
    themave answer is the way we work too. it's a workaround.
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