I have problems with importing our article database. The target field in Navision which contains the item discription (short) is only 30 characters wide. The original database field in our current ERP is 50 wide.
Navision (SQL version) cuts off the last 20 characters, thus making it impossible to distict between items of the same group.
for the following product: Software / Application / Microsoft Office 2003 small Business edition 3-pack, i have these short discriptions
Original Short product discription
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack OEM Dutch
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack Retail Dutch
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack OEM German
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack Retail Dutch
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack OEM French
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack Retail French
And so on...
In Navision this becomes
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack
SW A MS Office 2003 SBE 3-pack
And so on...
Cutting off the first 20 does not solve the problem either.
Since this information is humanly read (reports) there is no possibility to distinct any more.
I have to import 26.000 items where this problem occurs in over 22000 instances. I must keep these discriptions since they have been printed on invoices over the last couple of years.
Due to the excessive reporting we have to do as a distributor, the short item discription is used at over 500 locations where it is shown or printed
in Navision. Enlarging the field length thus results in having to adjust all of these forms, reports and so on.
Any smart solutions for this problem??
Description 2 field, requires that you manual change your reports and screens to include it.
But It's not that difficult at all.
& you can combine them easily where/if needed
SourceExpr: Item.Description+' '+Item."Description 2"
Not hard, but it does require changes, vs, default behaivor,
down the road default behaivor rarely causes problems with upgrades or service packs, where as custom changes all have to be down again, by someone at a dollar cost to the user. Which in my case is me, so I always looks to do things without programing first if possible.
Just my opinion.