We have done an upgrade to 4.0 recently and are unable to get the Adjust Cost...Item Entries batch job to complete. It errors out on a specific item with the following message: "Select a Dimension Value Code for the Dimension Code REGION for the item ADF-002."
When I look at the item is has default dimensions selected, but they don't seem to be picked up. After running the job, I went in and re-selected the dimensions hoping that would impact it and ran the job again. No change.
I ran it in debug and it is stopping in CU 21 RunCheck() at the ELSE of the last IF condition (IF "Line No." <> 0 THEN ...)
Any information would be appreciated.
So, finally, how did you solve the problem? You mean for all the history entry without that dimension, I have to add it on manually? ](*,)
Why the logic of Navision is such ... Is it possible that when I select a dimension for an account or an Item..., aslo add the dimension to all history entries?
I want to do some test and come back.
Please let me know if you have better solutions.
I was just searching thru the historical post and want to resurface this topic. I had the same problem, anyone got a permanent solution for it? I did disable the code mandatory for that item (not only 1 item) and run the adjust cost batch manually (but for long run?)
Does anyway have a fix for this issue?
If you don't have developer license, then commented out the code that modifies item ledger and Value Entry. You'll be able to run adjust cost routine, it just item ledges won't be updated. Which is ok, unless you run some reports.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
I will try it out.