How detects Navision 4.0 SP1, which menutype is to use.

svensk.tigersvensk.tiger Member Posts: 31
I'm just testing our Core-Banking application with 4.0 SP1.

If I import all the objects from 3.70, the client starts the old Mainmenu Form 330. Then I imported the new codeunit 1 (Application management ) from the 4.0 SP1 demo datatabase an modified the "CompanyOpen" trigger to look like the old one with the integer return field, wich returns the object id of the main menu to use.

But from now, the Form 330 is not opened any more.

I played with the "ApplicationVersion" and the "applicationBuild"
but nothing works.

How is the new client detecting, whether to start Form 330 or the new Outlook style menu?
Svensk.Tiger (Henning Möller)
PASS Multibank Solutions AG
(Kaum macht man was richtig, schon geht es. / Once you do it right, suddenly it works.)


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    The client starts the menusuite only if present.

    If you want to use the main menu from 3.7, just change cu 1 and remove the menusuites.
  • svensk.tigersvensk.tiger Member Posts: 31
    There are no menusuites in the database.

    The question was, HOW to change cu 1, because I want to use the improvements of the changelog in the new cu 1. What makes the difference?

    "En een goed weekend iedereen" ???

    Thats a litle bit to far from lower german. Please translate.

    Svensk.Tiger (Henning Möller)
    PASS Multibank Solutions AG
    (Kaum macht man was richtig, schon geht es. / Once you do it right, suddenly it works.)
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Do you have beyond compare?

    If you restore a 370 database in 400 the old menu works fine.

    But if you add the Integer returnvalue in 400 companyopen it is ignored :?

    It must be an internal thing

    Maybe you can test to add the changelog functions to the old 370 codeunit.

    Goed weekend means Have a nice weekend. :mrgreen:
  • xiptraxiptra Member Posts: 1
    You can use the old main menu with Menusuite present.

    You have to make sure you have a good Codeunit 1 merge.

    The problem is that you must use the proper ID for the Company Open trigger. This must be @1.

    Example :

    Codeunit 1;

    PROCEDURE CompanyOpen@1() : Integer;
    UserSetup@1100493001 : Record 91;
    MainMenuID@1100493000 : Integer;

    IF USERID <> '' THEN
    MainMenuID := UserSetup."Main Menu ID";

    IF MainMenuID = 0 THEN
    MainMenuID := FORM::"Main Menu";


    PROCEDURE CompanyClose@31();

    I hope this will help you !!!

  • svensk.tigersvensk.tiger Member Posts: 31
    The trigger number did the trick.

    Thank you very much.
    Svensk.Tiger (Henning Möller)
    PASS Multibank Solutions AG
    (Kaum macht man was richtig, schon geht es. / Once you do it right, suddenly it works.)
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