i have a question about the memory usage of the slave.exe
we got 4gb of ram in our server, and set the database cache to 1gb
the process server.exe is using 1gb of ram, which i can understand because we have entered 1gb as cache size.
there are also 14 copies of slave.exe. when i look in the task manager, i can see that these slave.exe are using about 500 to 1000mb of ram and about 1mb of virtual memory.
this means, that all slave.exe together are using more then 10gb of ram when i believe the task manager. but when i look at the value of available ram, this is around the 2gb. there is also no swapping to the pagefile on this server (even with high load on this server)
does a slave.exe his own cache and swapping? or is there an explaination for this why all slave.exe together using a lot or ram and still have 2gb of free ram on this server.
Have you read this?
http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... ave+memory
no, but i see some information that might be usefull