Text overflow problem!!

JTProJTPro Member Posts: 169
Hi all!

Default size of Customer's name is 30, but in my case it must be up to 100 characters, so I changed it. When I opened Sales Order form, and chose customer with name size greater then 30, 'Overflow text to text' error appeared. So I changed the size of 'Sell-to Customer Name' field of 'Sales Header' table to 100, but this error still shows up. I deleted controls that shows this information, and created them again, but nothing changed. Who can tell me how to solve this problem?


Best regards

Navision Application Version: 4.0SP1
Navision Database Version: 4.0


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    You can do this via the Developers toolkit, this way you can find out where variables are used.

    Or just do a trial and error. Using the debugger. Every time you get an overflow you adjust the code until it works. :?

    Maybe you can keep/create a document and post it here when you are finished. :D
  • ngebhardngebhard Member Posts: 127
    One hint for your problem: don't forget the bill-to and ship-to names in the sales header...

    ProTAKT Projekte & Business Software AG
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partner
    Bad Nauheim, Germany
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Better approach:
    Instead of messing around with existing standard functionality, you add a new field to the table. Instead of receiving error messages, all you have to do then is change the field reference wherever you find the need.
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    DenSter wrote:
    Better approach:
    Instead of messing around with existing standard functionality, you add a new field to the table. Instead of receiving error messages, all you have to do then is change the field reference wherever you find the need.

    I Agree.

    See also:

    http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... escription

    Problem is with name fields that they keep comming back everywhere in navision! Even worse than Item description.

    Think about CRM, format address etc. Terrible :?
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    It is better to have a customer come back for 'another place where I can't see the long description', because then you can tell them they didn't tell you about that particular report/form/whatever.

    If the system keeps erroring out though, from the customer's perspective it is always your fault because you missed a place.
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