Install it on another PC, then copy the subdirectory on your PC.
A better way could be:
Copy your installed 4.00 to another place on the disk.
Install 4.00SP1 that will overwrite the old one. This will install also all necessary DLL's.
Now you have both versions working.
Regards,Alain Krikilion No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
:-k hmmm I think is not necesary to copy... it works, but is a lot of job.
When you install 400SP1 the system detects there is another version, but give you the opportunity to install a New program. After, is important you try the personalize configurator (not minimun and not tipical) and change the directory where the client will install. I´m sure it works, because I install in that way in my pc.
The question is: what do you want. If you install a navision client, some dlls are registered and so on. Do you want that the SP1 is registered or that the normal 4.00 is registered.
To register the 4.00SP1 you can use the way Maci described.
To let the normal 4.00 registered, just copy the client folder from the sp1 cd to a place of your choice on your harddisk and add a shortcut.
You can get this to work by using a different version of the installer for the client. If you have installed the localized verson of 4.00 then use the W1 install for 4.01 and you should get the usual upgrade or new selections.
A better way could be:
Copy your installed 4.00 to another place on the disk.
Install 4.00SP1 that will overwrite the old one. This will install also all necessary DLL's.
Now you have both versions working.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
When you install 400SP1 the system detects there is another version, but give you the opportunity to install a New program. After, is important you try the personalize configurator (not minimun and not tipical) and change the directory where the client will install. I´m sure it works, because I install in that way in my pc.
good luck
To register the 4.00SP1 you can use the way Maci described.
To let the normal 4.00 registered, just copy the client folder from the sp1 cd to a place of your choice on your harddisk and add a shortcut.