I use CFRONT to make a connection with Navision from my Visual basic application. It works good. However, everytime I close the connection and create a new connection there is an additional amount of 92K in use. So if we do this 500 times a day... we have a big problem.
Is there an error in the CFRONT-connection?
Has anybody a solution for this?
Sorry i cant help you in your question, but you
have maybe some example or ex. sheet, which describe
then connetion between VB and Cside for me ?!
I have only a little bit knowledge in OCX programming !
Thanks Alex
mfg Alex
Alex Schubert
ERP & Navision
Dolphin Communication Technologies GmbH
Otto-Hahnstr. 1 c
D-69190 Walldorf
But are there programmers using CFRONT & Visual Basic ?
Try use ReleaseAllObjects then disconected & then coused error.
But I don't thik that is problem of CF, check your code for mem allocation errors, because CF using the same buffer for the same conection (if you don't change server).
class Connection
public sub connect()
Dim myNav as CFRONT
set myNav = new CFRONT
myNav.openDatabase(db,0, false)
set myNav = Nothing
end sub
Creating/connect/deleting this class cost everytime 68K memory.
connectServer/disconnectserver cost 76K memory
stopOnAllExceptions = False cost 8K memory
OpenCompany/CloseCompany cost 8k memory
(see for this in the Windows NT Task manager
By the way I've test it with CFRONT 2.01 and 2.0.0
class Connection
public sub connect()
Dim myNav as CFRONT
set myNav = new CFRONT
myNav.openDatabase(db,0, false)
set myNav = Nothing
//did it release myNav ? in C it must be like
free myNav;
end sub
Try use GetObject or func. that not allocate mem & returs pointer 2 obj.