Hi all,
I want to log my incoming and outgoing mails as interactions. I am using Outlook as my mail client. Using Lotus Domino mail server.
I tried to setup 'Interaction Template Setup' table. But in the "E-mails" field on General tab, not able to enter the interaction template code which has 'Yes' in the attachment field. and so not able to record my outgoing mails with attachment. (This is so because according to table relation for "E-mails" field in table 'Interaction Template', it can contain only those attachment with attachment no. 0)
What is the solution?
Please help.
However, since you are using Outlook to access your mailserver, you might be able to use the CDO interface for Domino as well. Anyone tried that?? Try to follow the setup guide for the granule. I think there is a whitepaper describing how to make a standalone installation.
The interaction log template you setup for e-mail is not supposed to have an attachement, because it should always just store the exact e-mail you send or receive. I guess you are thinking of the possibility to send e-mails from the contact card? You can either press the Create Interaction button, or the email-icon. The first is a wizard where if you select a template with an attachement it can get e-mailed. The email-icon simply starts your mailclient directly and lets you type your e-mail (Unfortunatly without you Outlook signature, but that seems to be an Outlook issue and not Navisions fault).
Hope that got you a bit further. :-)
Can anybody please tell me how email logging works with MS Exchange? Which table/form/codeunit handles logging with MS Exchange?
link to any article on Email loggin with MS Exchange?
I have NAS-Classic and NAS-SQL services running on my pc. can NAS help me to log an email without using MS Exchange?
One more thing on the Email Logging tab available on Relationship Management Setup form, i have provided the name of queue folder and storage folder and they are Personal Folders\Temp and Personal Folders\Storage respectively. But when i send an email from navision that email doesn't go in to any of these folders. I do not have exchange server with me. I am not cleare with the queue folder for email.
Please Help
I guess the question is if CDO is able to access your Notes server - give it a try :-)
I have downloaded trial version of Exchange. But still i am not clear with how MS Exchange and navision are integrated. and where outlook comes in to the picture with Exchange.
I searched a lot for it. but as i read i get confused.
Please can anybody help me in understanding the working of default system. Where will the queue folders reside, on exchange or on outllook?
Exchage server will be on the windows server 2000(with sp3). On which machine will the outllook be? on the same machine?
My current scenerio is - Installed a navision client and outlook on one machine(having windows 2000) and Exchange on another machine having Windows server 2000(with sp3). Will this scenerio work? Do i need to use Active directory as well?
Very confused. Please help.