Outlook integration a continuing story

ReinoudReinoud Member Posts: 58
Another thing I noticed with outlook integration is that when you have enabled outlook integration navison ask at start if you want to synchronize. If you say yes you can go and have a lunch break because it takes at least half an hour.

We do not have sales person coupled to customers so all filters are blank and the whole database is searched.


  • Dmitry_ChadaevDmitry_Chadaev Member Posts: 52
    Hello Reinoud,

    How many Navision Contacts/Navision To-dos/Outlook Appointments (it si usually shown in the low left corner in Outlook when you select the Calendar folder) do you have?

    Which stage of the Synchronize with Outlook batch job takes longest time?
    Best regards,
  • ReinoudReinoud Member Posts: 58
    We have about 700 contacts
    No to do's and yet no ageda items

    Stage 1 takes the time
  • Dmitry_ChadaevDmitry_Chadaev Member Posts: 52
    Well... I've seen worse situations :)

    I have 800 contacts in my DB (Navision 4.0) - with most of their fields filled in, and when I synchronize them from scratch it takes 5.5 minutes, if I run the batch job right after that - 2.5 minutes, if I modify all of them when Outlook is not available and run the batch - the first stage takes 3 min and the whole batch about 4 minutes... Time for a cup of coffee :) It is very strange that it takes at least half an hour on your PC. It is probably a problem with your environment...

    By the way - I think you can speed up the second iteration of the Synchronize with Outlook batchjob a little (Import contacts). It looks like they process the same contacts they already processed in the first iteration during second iteration.

    I see that they mark all contacts (and to-dos) after they processed them in the first iteration, so if a contact is marked - we can skip importing it.

    Take a look at ImportContacts - OnAfterGetRecord() for example, before you run ContactHandler.UpdateContact - try to call

    and check if the Cont record is already marked. If yes - skip it.
    The same trick you can do for importing Appointments and Tasks.
    They do analyse if a contact or todo is marked during export however =D>

    Good luck.
    Best regards,
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    There was some topic about this months ago, it had something to do with SP2?

    Don't remember exactly, let's search...
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