new record after validate field

tatietatie Member Posts: 16

Is it possible in a card form to going on next record (last) when an user validates a field. For example, on item card, after update of field "Base Unit of Measure", user come on new record (F3)


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    What do you mean? Do you want a new Item Card after the user puts in a Base UOM? Can you explain why you want this?
  • tatietatie Member Posts: 16
    It's for inventory :
    I've got a card Form with SourceTable : MyNewTable -> User ID, Location Code,Zone Code, itemNo.,Line No., Qty....
    I'd like :
    When a user enters (validate) Qty of Item, cursor goes on a new record of my card form, field :"Item No."

    I hope that it is clearer
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262

    The only thing I can think of is doing the following steps:

    1. Place a dummy control on the form and make sure it is the NextControl of Base UOM

    2. In the OnActivate of that control put a function 'CreateNewRec'

    3. In this function you put
        if isclear(winscript) then

    WinScript is an Automation Control 'Windows Script Host Object Model'.WshShell
  • tatietatie Member Posts: 16
    Thanks you very much

    I didn't know the formatting of keyboard shortcut : {F3}
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