Subform and wrong SubFormLink

randrewsrandrews Member Posts: 135
I have a form, sourcetable with field "Order No." (realy Sales Header)
I have subform with sourcetable="Sales Lines"
SubFormLink: Document Type=CONST(Order),Document No.=FIELD(Order No.)

If I put value in "Order No." - it's all right.
But Sales Header is posted and then deleted.
Then subform fault. "The Sales Header dosen't exist"

What can I do?


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    i guess one questions is what are you trying to achieve?

    does your project need sales Header & sales lines or could whatever you're doing use the Sales Invoice Header & Sales Invoice Lines?


    as a side note - I would usually use
    Document Type=FILTER(Order)

    is there a DO & DO NOT reason for using one or the other?
  • ReinoudReinoud Member Posts: 58
    Check your keys; if they are not defined right one can have this problem.
  • randrewsrandrews Member Posts: 135
    Savatage wrote:
    i guess one questions is what are you trying to achieve?

    does your project need sales Header & sales lines or could whatever you're doing use the Sales Invoice Header & Sales Invoice Lines?

    One table have a field "Order No.". So I need to know the Sales Order which cause a record in this table. Even if Sales Order dosen't exist already. But if Order exist - I need to show Sales Lines of this Order.

    Now I put subform on the TabControl. And control VISIBLE property of subform. It works only if I select page in TabControl without subform and push NEXT button and then go to needed page.
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