I create a purchase order, the amout is 1.3,and I set this field to be 1 or 0.1 or 0.001 ,but I can not found different.
need help!
There are fields "Amount Rounding Precision" and "Unit-Amount Rounding Precision" in the General Ledger Setup where you can influence the rounding in sales and purchase orders in LCY . For foreign currencies, this is done in the currency table ( same field names) .
I has see the help online,and have a test,But I can not found the purpose
of this field . I create a purchase order, the amout is 1.3,and I set this field to be 1 or 0.1 or 0.001 ,but I can not found different.
need help!
Do some test with different UOM and look at the quantity field.