Backup Of specific tables

amit.mbsamit.mbs Member Posts: 20
Hi All

I am upgrading data from navision 3.1 to navision 4.0 database. Following are the steps i have taken.

I have converted the 3.1 database to 4.0 by opening it into in navision 4.0.
After this i have taken a backup and trying to restore it into navision 4.0. while restoring i am getting problem in some of the tables, is there any way where i can take the backup of the some of the tables, so that i can leave the problematic tables, later thru dataport i can import the data of those problematic tables. Please suggest me what will be the best way to do.

Best Regards


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Sorry, but you need to be more specific. What does it mean "i am getting problem in some of the tables"? It seems that your procedure is not correct.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • amit.mbsamit.mbs Member Posts: 20
    Hi Kine

    I was trying to ask is there any way to take the backup of specific tables in navision.

    "i am getting problem in some of the tables"? means that there is table 27, where feild no 13 has been removed in navision 4.0, when i am trying to import the data it is giving problem, after that i tried to merge the feild it into navision 4.0 table then it is giving below error

    "Feild no 48 is not defined in the wherehouse activity line table"

    pls let me know if i am able to explain the problem to you.

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    1) Have you read whole upgrade toolkit documentation?
    2) Did you merge your old objects with the new one from Navision 4.00?
    3) Did you run step 1 codeunit on old objects?
    4) Did you import the new objects after step 1?
    5) Did you run step 2 after importing new objects?

    It seems, that you are not following the documentation... it is not only: convert DB to 4.00 and import data into Navision 4.00 objects...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • amit.mbsamit.mbs Member Posts: 20
    Thanx Kamil for your valuable information, but kamil i had upgrade one database 3.7 to 4.0, with same process, it is working fine, if i am just making the backup of converted database and restore it into navision 4.0 , can u tell what problem i could face by doing this. See it seems that u r fighting with me, i had no intentions like that. Get yourself calm while posting reply.

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Sorry, I am not fighting with you. I never wanted fight with someone (may be only with our salesmans :-)) It is only the language barrier (when I am using english, I am very brief, because I have problems to write the things ;-)

    It seems as misunderstanding from my side. I assumed that you want to do complete upgrade. Your last post seems for me like you are talking about Technical upgrade (C/SIDE upgrade).

    If you want to do only C/SIDE upgrade, you need only to open old database with new client. In this case, you cannot have problem with some deleted field in Navision 4.00 tables because you are still using old tables with old form etc.

    But because you are talking about fields deleted in Navision 4.00 I assumed that you are trying to do full upgrade including all objects. In this case it is not easy to do it and all the steps are needed.

    It seems, that you want to restore some 3.70 backup into 4.00 db, but in this DB are some objects. In this case, the backup is not restoring objects and is trying to restore data into existing objects - objects from Navision 4.00 - and there are not some fields etc. and this is the problem. If you want to restore your backup, you must be sure that you are restoring into clear new database...

    Is this your case?

    I do not understand why you are restoring backup into Navision 4.00 after you converted the database to version 4.00... you need to do only one thing - convert or restore backup...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • amit.mbsamit.mbs Member Posts: 20
    Hi Kamil
    Thanx for your calm reply, i was thinking that u r not in good mood. O:)
    I will explain you in detail what i am doing. I have one 3.1 database which i want to upgrade to navision 4.0. I have upgraded the objects of 3.1 to 4.0 thru navision developer tool kit. Now i have the all the upgraded objects in one database. Now in this database i am trying to import the data of 3.1 database. So to import the data into new upgraded database i am folowing procedure which i had mentioned you earlier. i think now might be clear .

  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    I'm sorry if I don;t understand but

    Is restoring the old backup with data in the new version not the 1st step of the upgrade process?

    You always start a upgrade with a new database containing ALL data from ALL companies in the new version.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    As Mark wrote. You need to have old database opened in new client. After that, you import objects for Step 1 of upgrade and run the Step 1 (it will transfer data fromstandard objects into temporary objects etc.). AFTER that you import your new MERGED objects. After that, you run Step 2 on the database, which will transfer data from the temporary tables back into standard tables.

    What you are doing is:

    1) Import merged objects into new DB.
    2) You are trying to RESTORE data from old DB into new objects - there are conflicts of course...

    This is wrong...

    Please, follow upgrade documentation, there is no space for creating your own ways how to fully upgrade Navision... 8)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • amit.mbsamit.mbs Member Posts: 20
    Thanx Mark and Kamil for your valuable suggestion.
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