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CopyRec := Rec;"The Form, Rec);
If Codeunit.UpdateMainForm then Currform.Update(FALSE)
You need to write some timer functions which updates the forms if required.
How do you update the form already opened? which function do you use?
Thanks for your answer
In this function you set the condition for the form to update.
This condition you can store in a singleinstance codeunit.
From the subform you call a function in the codeunit (SetUpdate)
This need to set a global variable to true.
From the to-be-updated from you call a function in the codeunit(DoUpdate)
This returns TRUE if the global variable is true and sets the variable to false
Good Luck 8)
I tried some time ago to update the form opened form the subform with a setTableView with a new filter on the record passed..
Hope you understand what i mean
The problem is that most of the functions you need to define yourself.
From the subform you have a function like
And one in the OnTimer trigger
On the other form you have some function like
Which you activate when the subform needs updating...
So unfortunately no standard functions here
I'll have a look to your solution as soon as i have some time
I let you know if it work how i wanted