Gidday All ,
I am trying to merge the 81 table No from 3.70 into nav4.00sp1 which got some mods on it too. Now before i import the text file i have to import it as .fob n merge it so that i can import the .txt file which i created using araxis .
Now the problem is as follows .In table 81 nav3.70 there r few fields like
11600 Bank Branch No.
11601 Bank Account No.
11602 Customer/Vendor Bank
and in Nav4.00sp1 we have
28021 Bank Branch No.
28022 Bank Account No.
28023 Customer/Vendor Bank
Now when i merge the 3.70 object in nav4.00sp1i get the error that field name can appear only once in table Field name Bank Account No
so what can be the solution for this problem
what i tried i renamed the above three fields and then did the merge it allowed me do that but again the problem came when i tried importing the .txt file and it gave me th error u dont have permission to delete the renamed field .
Any suggestion on it pls
Many Thanks,
They have renumbered these fields so there should be some upgrade tool provided for this.
Otherwise you need to add these fields to your textfile.
You're probably going to have to choose either set (I'd take the last one with the new numbers) and make sure that when you migrate your data that your logic maps to the right fields.
-one of the 2 sets (the one you don't need), you have to rename (eg. put an X before the name) in the DB. Then export it.
-Import the fob in the other one, MERGING and not replacing the object. In this way you have both the sets. After this you can create a correct text-file with BOTH sets and import that for fixing the code in the object.
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