I have a problem with exchange account.
I validate from general journal with two lignes with currency.
On exhange account, I fill global dimension with Code Mandatory.
When I use "Adjust Exchange Rates" (in currency), I have this error "Select a Dimension Value Code for the Dimension Code XXXX for G/L Account XXXX.
Does anyone know this problem ? ](*,)
Thk for your response.
How do you populated the journal line dimension ?
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I'm agree with you but where in c/al code (report 595 and CU 22) i write this without change processus (bug...)
Perhaps i'm wrong but there is a standard problem in NAVISON with the defaut dimension value.
NAVISION can't get the defaut dimension that is parameterize in the table 355 when he makes automatic process (unapply, payment tolerance management...).
So if in the account you want to use there is a defaut dimension with value posting control you will have this kind of error message.
I think that your problem become of that.
So, finally, how did you solve the problem? You mean for all the history entry without that dimension, I have to add it on manually?
Why the logic of Navision is such ... I'm thinking to write something so when I select a dimension for an account or an Item..., aslo add the dimension to all history entries.
Please let me know if you have better solution.
No, i haven't solve this problem.
And i haven't any time to find a solution.
But if you have, i take it O:)