Help! - Change Dimension Functionality

MAB007MAB007 Member Posts: 3
A customer on ver 4.0 requires dimensions on sales orders/invoices etc to be picked up from the 'sell-to customer no.' on the order header instead of the 'bill-to customer no.', I'm wary of making this change, has anyone else made such a mod and if so what is the best way to achieve it?
Any help is much appreciated.
- MAB007


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    edited 2005-11-04
    Onvalidate of "bill-to customer" change this code.
      DATABASE::Customer,"Bill-to Customer No.",
      DATABASE::Job,"Job No.",
      DATABASE::"Salesperson/Purchaser","Salesperson Code",
      DATABASE::Campaign,"Campaign No.",
      DATABASE::"Responsibility Center","Responsibility Center",
      DATABASE::"Customer Template","Bill-to Customer Template Code");
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    NO, don't do that! :shock:

      DATABASE::Customer,"Bill-to Customer No.", 
      DATABASE::Job,"Job No.", 
      DATABASE::"Salesperson/Purchaser","Salesperson Code", 
      DATABASE::Campaign,"Campaign No.", 
      DATABASE::"Responsibility Center","Responsibility Center", 
      DATABASE::"Customer Template","Bill-to Customer Template Code");
      DATABASE::Customer,"Sell-to Customer No.", 
      DATABASE::Job,"Job No.", 
      DATABASE::"Salesperson/Purchaser","Salesperson Code", 
      DATABASE::Campaign,"Campaign No.", 
      DATABASE::"Responsibility Center","Responsibility Center", 
      DATABASE::"Customer Template","Bill-to Customer Template Code");
    Everywhere in the sales header

    This code is executed a couple of times from various fields.

    Removing it from the validation of Bill to customer won;t help. It will be executed elsewhere.

    You can link dimensions to any code table in navision and add them to this function, no problem at all.
  • MAB007MAB007 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks Mark, That's what I thought, just wasn't sure of it's impact on the system. I'll go with that.
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