Shipment documents for Service module

j.stalderj.stalder Member Posts: 35
Hello all,

From the service module, I'd like to create a shipment document

When I validate, in the Form 5905 Service Invoice Lines, the entries in the Table 32 Item Ledger Entry are made. Now it would be usefull to create the entries also in the Table 110 Sales Shipment Header and 111 Sales Shipment Line so it would be easy to create a the shipment from the Form 130 Posted Sales Shipment

Has anyone already realized this modification? Or if someone know which codeunit we have to modify?


  • ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667

    The service module is only possible to create invoices...

    If you want to make a shipment you SHOULD use the sales application (order->post->shipment), or make a routine on your Server header to create a Sales Order automatically and then place a link to the Sales Order form on the Service Management application, so that the users should open that order and post it to create a shipment.
  • j.stalderj.stalder Member Posts: 35
    Thanks for your solution

    I'll study and try to implement it


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