
Extra Report Currency

lhagenlhagen Member Posts: 3
edited 2005-11-04 in Navision Financials
Does anyone know of an error in Extra Report Currency in version 2.01B (2.01A), that makes it impossible to activate this feature at all ? When it is activated it is not possible to book any orders at all. Codeunit 80 stops at COMMIT with the error that the G/L entry (Table 17) will become INCONSISTENT
What do I do, is there en upgrade for this or what ?
regards Lisbeth


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    Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    What report are you running?

    I don't think version 2.01 is officialy supported anymore.

    Maybe it is best to contact you solution centre, and request an upgrade.

    But it can also just be some wrong setting. :(
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    lhagenlhagen Member Posts: 3
    I'm not running any reports. I only try to book orders. After having activated "Extra report currency". If I remove that mark again I can book the orders.
    I'm the systemconsultant, I think it is too much to ask them to upgrade, as it is a small company, and I don't have any idea if it will solve the problem.
    regards Lisbeth
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    Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Ok, then I understand what you are doing.

    The G/L entries must be consitent for the amount and the additional curr. amount.

    This is still in 4.00

    I think your problem is somewhere in rounding the exchange rates.

    You can search this forum for topics about how to check where the inconsistency is created.

    Of course there is another option but I am affraid of posting it on this forum. :shock:

    If this is a small company and the additional currency is for reporting only and the budget is small, you could consider to remove the consistency check in codeunit 12 for the additional currency. But only do this if you know what you are doing and do not remove the normal check. :?

    I cannot believe I actualy wrote this :oops:
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