LS Retail | Barcode Printing | Other Issues

SoumyadipSoumyadip Member Posts: 209
Hi Admin/All,

I want to print barcode on item labels in LS Retail 3.75. I have read all the related topics but the more i am reading, i am getting confused.
Please tell me step by step what i should do to reach the goal.

I have some problem in Replication also in LS Retail 3.75. I have created two Dist. Location & succesfully run the test connection. But when i am running the Job (Item Replication) it is generating an error that another user is using the database.
Please help me resolve this issue.

In LS Retail 3.75 when i am try to sale some item from item through Card it is generating an error that in Demo Database you can not use Card. What is Demo database? i am not using any of the demo profiles & created my own Hardware/Functional/Visual profiles.

As ypu see i am from India & LS Retail 4.0 is very much new in this region. i am having some problem in POS ocxs. When ever i am clicking the POS client it is generating an OLE Automation error.

Please help me on these topics.

Thank You




  • SoumyadipSoumyadip Member Posts: 209
    Please help me soon .... I am in realy bad situation

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  • SoumyadipSoumyadip Member Posts: 209

    I have downloaded Navibar & done all the things....i have changed the Shell script according to the 4.0 standard...
    Now a message box is comming that sorry could not generate Barcode..


    Thank You
  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    Dear Soumyadip,

    I say it honest: I don't know who made you try to implement LS with proper Icelandic training, but stop it immediately, if you don't want 50 sleepless nights. LS is so professional in holding back information and making their products totally unintuitive to implement and everything could be accomplished trough secret tricks.

    I saw it implemented - it is a hell also for those who worked with LS for a year. Go for a training to Iceland or find someone in India who successfully implemented it ASAP.

    As for the details:

    1) Proper bar code printing is amazingly complicated. I described by expereiences in this topic:

    2) Replication is truly impossible to implement with the help of someone who knows the tricks. Damn LS who are unable to write proper manuals. These tricks I remember:

    1) Never start replicating from SQL but from native. Use a separate native repserver database if necessary.
    2) Have the same distr. locations and whatever in all databases.
    3) Convert preactions to actions by running the codeunit and replicate actions.
    4) The error you got seems to be that you are using a standalone FDB, not a server. You cant do that, as a standalone can support only 1 user and you are 1 user and replication C/FRONT is another user.

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
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