
Format Text to Decimal

bublebuble Member Posts: 16
edited 2002-09-17 in Navision Financials

how can I format a text field to decimal field.
I used the function COPYSTRING to copy a part from a text field. Now I will use the part of the text field for calculation.
Thanks for your support.



  • Options
    BobBrownBobBrown Member Posts: 17
    Use this function to evaluate a string representation of a value into its normal representation. The system assigns the result to a variable.

    [Ok :=] EVALUATE(Variable, String)

    Data type: boolean

    A return code which reflects whether an error occurred during the evaluation of the string.

    If Ok is...
    It means...

    No errors occurred during the evaluation of the string. The system assigned the value to Variable.

    Errors occurred during the evaluation of the string. The system did not modify the original value of Variable.

    If you omit this optional return value and an error occurs during the evaluation of the string, a run-time error occurs. If you include it, the system assumes you will handle any errors.


    Data type: boolean, integer, option, date, time, text constant or code

    Any type of variable. The value of the string is assigned to the variable.


    Data type: text constant or code

    A string containing a value of any simple C/AL data type.

    This example shows how the EVALUATE function works when called with three different types of variables.

    Value := '010196';
    Ok1 := EVALUATE(VarInteger, Value);
    Ok2 := EVALUATE(VarDate, Value);
    Ok3 := EVALUATE(VarYesNo, Value);
    MESSAGE(Text000 + Text001 + Text002,
    VarInteger, Ok1, VarDate, Ok2, VarYesNo, Ok3)

    Create the following text constants in the C/AL Globals window:

    Text Constant
    ENU Value

    'VarInteger = #1######, and the return code is: %2\'

    'VarDate = #3######, and the return code is: %4\'

    'VarYesNo = #5######, and the return code is: %6'

    The message window shows:

    VarInteger = 10196 , and the return code is: Yes
    VarDate = 01/01/96, and the return code is: Yes
    VarYesNo = No , and the return code is: No

    This example shows that while the system can interpret Value ('010196') as both an integer and a date expression, it cannot interpret it as a boolean expression. This causes an error, shown in the return code Ok3 (=FALSE
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