
How can I use date format for display date field

klumklum Member Posts: 102
edited 2005-11-02 in Navision Financials
Hi all,

Please help me, I would like to set format date to some date field like this " October 31,2005 "

How I use date format for date field.????

thank for every advance :P



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    ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667

    You could enter:
    <Month Text,0> <Day,2>,<Year4>
    in the Format property of a text box on a form to display what you want.

    Other formats:
    <Closing><Day,2>-<Month,2>-<Year>  05-04-03
    <Closing><Day,2>-<Month,2>-<Year>  05-04-03
    <Day,2><Month,2><Year><Closing>D   050403D
    <Closing><Year>-<Month,2>-<Day,2>  03-04-05
    <Closing><Day>. <Month Text> <Year4>  5. April 2003
    <Closing><Day,2><Month,2><Year>  050403
    <Closing><Year><Month,2><Day,2>  030405
    <Day,2><Filler Character, >. <Month Text,3> <Year4>  5. Apr 2003
    Press F1 while you are on the format property of the text field to see extended help abou that property.[/quote]
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    klumklum Member Posts: 102
    Dear Arhontis,

    Thank a lot for your help :) it's work now.

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