G/L Entry Description field

aperfettiaperfetti Member Posts: 7
when you post and print a payment journal that has a check in it...the G/L Register report shows the description for the check as "Check for Vendor <XXXX>" where <XXXX> is the vendor number...

we need to replace the vendor number in that description with the vendor name for all future checks posted.

where is the best place to make that modification?



  • RainerRainer Member Posts: 103
    You mean in the codeunit for posting ?
    Kind Regards

    E-mail: info@rainerbay.dk
    Skype: rainerbaydk
  • aperfettiaperfetti Member Posts: 7
    i wanted to avoid modifing the posting routines for the G/L if possible...i was trying to figure out what other places there are that i could modify to accomplish this...
  • RainerRainer Member Posts: 103
    Well, if its "only" when you are booking payments to your Vendor you can make change in Codeuint 12 I guess.

    Search for the field "description" and make corrections there.

    BUT if you for an excample book a Invoice with some invoicelines with same Account and diff. descriptions those descriptions will not appear in the G/L Ledger Entries.

    If this dosnt help, please explain more.
    Kind Regards

    E-mail: info@rainerbay.dk
    Skype: rainerbaydk
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    If I'm not mistaken the Journal Line description you are referring to is created after you run "Suggest Vendor Payments" summarize by vendor.

    You might want to look at the "Suggest Vendor Payment" Report.
    for me Report 393.

    It might be easier to just add the vendor name to the Register report. If that's where you need it.?

    I don't use the "Suggest Vendor Payments" anymore but when I run the G/L Register as you mentioned I do See "Check Payment ******" which is something I manually type in the "Description" field of the payment journal before posting.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    If you are going the route of simply changing the G/L Register Report.

    Object Designer->Report->G/L Register (for me it's 10019)->Design
    In G.L Entry, Body (1) you will see the "Description" Field

    Right click on the "Description" field & in the SourceExpr change from

    Description to Description+' '+SourceName

    This should throw the Source Name (ie/ Vendor, Customer) depending on your report fiters, at the end of the descritpion field.

    Note#1 on the options tab you can always select "Included Account Description" which should show you the vendor/customer name.

    Note#2 if you want to combine the Description + Source name as described above you will have to slide the amount fields to the right to make enuf space.
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