Disable shipment date warning

MrDMrD Member Posts: 12

i have a client that is imoprting orderlines from an external system. Shipment date from the external system can be earlier then todays date since the orders are created a day before or the file is importe on the morning following day. The import process is interrupted by warnings that the shipment date is earlier then todays date. It is not a problem when importing just a few lines, but in this case they can have many orderlines.

Does anybody know how this warning can be disabled?




  • RainerRainer Member Posts: 103
    In validation of "Shipmentday" is a variable "HasBeenShown" which on the record is set to TRUE. That means if you validate more times at same line, it will not show that message.

    You can make a field on saleslines and while you import, put this field to some value, for an example "Import" yes or no.

    1. If its from NAS you import, you can use GUIALLOWED on validation on the shipment date.


    2. if its by some user, make a "Import yes/no" temp on the user


    2. Then make corrections like this:

    // new code
    IF NOT salesline.Import then begin IF "Shipment Date" < WORKDATE THEN
    IF NOT HasBeenShown THEN BEGIN
    FIELDCAPTION("Shipment Date"),"Shipment Date",WORKDATE);
    HasBeenShown := TRUE;
    Kind Regards

    E-mail: info@rainerbay.dk
    Skype: rainerbaydk
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