Journal Templates Configuration

ufukufuk Member Posts: 514

When more than one user enter data in the same table, the program becomes too slow and sometimes the user must wait other users to complete their entry. To avoid this we create journal templates per user but this is not what I really want. ( We are using SQL)

Anyone has an idea to avoid that problem?

Best Regards,

Ufuk Asci


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Even if you use templates, the data arrives in the same table.
    So this is not the problem.

    If I understand correctly they are creating records in some journal line-table.
    If you have different users creating records, it is best to do it in different batches, you can use the same template. This to avoid that they get in each others way when the system creates a new line no. Eg. if the latest line no. is 30000 and 2 users add both a new record after the last, it will have line no. 40000 in both cases. The user that saves the record first will be lucky, the other will have to recreate the line. This is the reason for uses different batches (or even templates).

    I think that the form or the table have been modified and that they lock a lot of records in the same template. You should check the code and avoid that too many records are locked. If for example all records of the template-batch are locked when inserting a new record, it is logical that they lock each other.

    In short :
    -use batches, not templates for this kind of activity.
    -check the code, because I think it is locking records that shouldn't be locked.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    As Kriki wrote: Use batches, not templates...

    Second thing: The locks can be on Keys - if there is key for example begining with some field, which values are same in the table through all batches (for example posting date), it will be locked when updated and in this case all users entering same value are locked too... (users are trying to update same are of the key). Try to check indexes on the journal table and disable MaintainSQLIndex for keys you do not need (in journal you need mainly Primary key, nothing else, if you are not using some special customization working with the journals). If you do that, it will be not maintain the indexes on SQL and the users will not lock others if they are working in different batches.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    And also:don't maintain the "MaintainSIFTIndex". I noticed that in Table 81:"Gen. Journal Line" in Navision 3.70 (and probably also others) there is a SIFT-field. This is maintained also on TEMPLATE-level. This can be the reason of the lock. In SQL, you do not need to maintain it.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • ufukufuk Member Posts: 514
    Thanks all for useful opinions.

    Best Regards

    Ufuk Asci
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