
Transfer of Items from one Bin Location to another Bin Locat

sliewsliew Member Posts: 31
edited 2002-09-03 in Navision Financials

I need to transfer items from one bin to another bin, both bins are in the same Zone and Location.

Thanks for your help



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    MuzzyDawgMuzzyDawg Member Posts: 31
    Are you using Navision Adv. Distribution? What version?
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    sliewsliew Member Posts: 31

    We are using some module of the Advanced distribution.

    We have Navision Financial 2.5.

    Can we transfer items from one bin location to another bin location in the same zone and location?

    Thanks for your response

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    MuzzyDawgMuzzyDawg Member Posts: 31
    Be aware that I'm trying to do this from memory, but I believe in version 2.5 the only way that you can do this is through the Warehouse Journal. Reduce the necessary amount in the desired bin and then create another journal entry with the desired amount in the new bin.

    Not necessarily the slickest way.

    I believe that in version 2.6 there was an area called the Bin Contents Movement or something like this that allowed you to dictate the item, pick the bin it's in and then to choose the bin you want to move it to.

    This is a much more user friendly way and ensures that inventory levels don't get out of whack.

    Hope this helps.
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    sliewsliew Member Posts: 31

    I will start thinking to move to version 2.6

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