Opening Navision with Terminal Services(Application Mode)

dkbleedkblee Member Posts: 41

Anyone know how to configure Terminal services in such a way that when the user click on the remote desktop icon it will automatically open up only the Navision application and user do not need to key in their login password for windows. (Now, the user will still see the Win2k server logon screen)

Another question is that if my clients are connected to the HQ's Navision server through a WAN using Terminal services, with the local printer at the remote side, will there be any performance issue with printing to the local printer?


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    1) you can use the "Windows Authentication" in navision. So if you are logged in into Windows, you don't need to log in into Navision.

    2) There can be some slowing down, because the information for printing is generated in the HQ and has to be send through the WAN to get to the local printer. We have the same setup in the office for some administration and I don't feel any slowing down on using Navision while the terminal-server is sending the data to a local printer. The only thing is that the printing is slower.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
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  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    In the remote desktop setting, select options, and then you can set program to launch, and autologon information to the terminal server.

    use the windows authentications in Navision and you should be set.

    If you use the autologon, you have to set the user id and password in the remote desktop setting, so if the user has to change his password on the server the remote desktop setting will still have the old password and will no long autologon, you will have to change it on each desktop, which is set up in another office. so someone there will have to know how to change it also. Which means they will have to be told the users new password. which kind of defeats the purpose of having secure passwords.

    your option is to not force users to change passwords on the server, or not use autologon
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    The above post are basicly how I would recommend setting things up. Use Windows Authentication for Navision and setup Navision as the startup program for Terminal Services. When users connect with Remote Desktop, they will be presented with a network login. They can skip the login by saving their userid & password in their Remote Desktop file. (NOT RECOMMENDED).

    When they login they will be brought right into Navision. When they close Navision, they will be logged off Terminal Services.


    Configure the remote printers as IP printers hosted by the main network. Have users print through these network printers. IP printing will use less of your WAN's bandwidth than Terminal Services printer redirection.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
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