I have some problem with my report(with new one - the old one works great).........well, I have 3 dataitems:
---->Value Entry
The old one gives me SUM of "Sales Amount (Actual)"(Value Entry) grouped by classes.
The new one should be the same but I need also to show data by months:
<labels> class class description jan feb mar .... dec
I tried to put this into OnAfterGetRecord (value Entry) but something is wrong

FOR i := 1 TO 12 DO BEGIN
ValueEntry2 := "Value Entry";
ValueEntry2.SETRANGE("Posting Date",PeriodStartDate[i],PeriodStartDate[i + 1] - 1);
IF ValueEntry2.FIND('-') THEN
SalesAmount[i] := ValueEntry2."Sales Amount (Actual)";
UNTIL ValueEntry2.NEXT = 0;
ValueEntry2 record Value Entry
PeriodStartDate[13] date
SalesAmount[12] decimal
Thnx in advance
My problem is how can I show "Sales Amount (Actual)" from Value Entry by months(example user may choose a year(enter some four digits(1999......2005) and in the report I would have to show months(by names or by numbers(1..12))
I hope that you understand what I need.........and sorry for my english