Option Button

aquariousaquarious Member Posts: 32

I was wondering anyone can advice me on how to set my Option Button to be not selected when i run a form with a Option Button


  • deltoiddeltoid Member Posts: 41
    I havn't tried this before but I think it should work.

    OnOpenForm - Trigger
    optionVariable := -1;

    That shoudl set the optionVariable to null so nothing should be selected. Let me know how it goes so I know if it works.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Each Option Button have two base properties: SourceExpr and OptionValue.
    If SourceExpr = OptionValue, option button is selected. If the values are different, the option is not selected => How you can unselect option button? Set the value to something other...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    If you have an option field with option string " ,One,Two,Three" (<blank>, One, Two and Three) and you want to display this with radio buttons, the way to not have anything selected is by not putting a radiobutton on the form for the initial value. The actual value of the option field will be blank, but the form can only display the values one, two and three, so to the user it looks like there is no selection yet.
  • aquariousaquarious Member Posts: 32
    Hi deltoid,

    I have try your method and it workds!!! =D> thanks a million

    thanks to the others too
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