yo. I'm trying to do the following from within Navision. :P
From a codeunit, I start a XMLPort data export (sales header+lines)
Then, with Excel automation, I try to open this xml created file. It's more than difficult. I have something but it's badly formatted, the
command doesn't work. And no documentation how to write the code.
Finally I want to do a pivot table with the excel sheet (still within navision: xlActivesheet.pivotTable or pivotTalbeWizard).
Nothing work like it should (or nothing work like I think it should! Or I'm a big dreamer!)
The ultimate goal is: my customer has, in one click, a great pivot table for analyzing some business datas. (Don't tell me about JetReport). =;
Does anyone have some experience in it?Where could I find automation description?
many thanx
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