Terminal Sevices Printing

dkbleedkblee Member Posts: 41

My clients from remote site access our HQ navision through terminal server(application mode). The users will only see Navision when they create an session to the terminal server. The related policies are set through GPO(eg. run Navision, connect to local printer).

My problem is that the clients are not able to see an internet printer(eg. That Printer is a dot Matrix Epson 2080. Is there anyway that i can solve this issue? Another question is that can i enable our dot matrix printer and other laserjet network printers(multiple printers using terminal services session) to be used in Navision? If yes, how to do it? Thks!


  • mb6606mb6606 Member Posts: 30
    We found the best printers to use for terminal server are Lexmark.
    They have IP address option add on.
    Makes is easy to setup and any user on Terminal Server can print
    to any Lexmark printer. Easy to manage as well.
    If you allow local printer use you get multiple printers one for each session and becomes a headache to manage.

    I suppose any IP addressable printer would work but good experience with Lexmark.
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    I have built and supported several sites running Terminal Services for remote access to Navision and other applications. Here are a few comments/suggestions based on experience.

    1. Use private data lines. Do not relay on the internet. This may be unavoidable in some areas.

    2. Configure all printers (including those at remote sites) as IP printers hosted by the main network. Replace any printers that will not support IP printing. The headaches from supporting these printers will cost much more than replacing them now. Share the network printers and have all users print to them. Limit the use of Terminal Services printer redirection. IP printing will use less of your data lines bandwidth.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • mandykmandyk Member Posts: 57
    Try to give the internet printer name with one word only , don't use comma, period & space. I did this when the internet printer is disappear intermittently on remote terminal server and/or citrix server.

    Well I hope it also can solve your case.
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