For this exercise I have a variable typed as text with a length of 5. I set the value to all spaces using PADSTR('',5,' '). Now I want to change the second and third bytes to 5 so the string is " 55 " when complete. COPYSTR doesn't seem to work because it make a smaller substring from a larger string and not inserting the substring into the larger one. INSSTR also won't work because the string is fully initalized and the inserted text will push the variable over the five-byte boundary. Any ideas?
Jan Hoek
Product Developer
Mprise Products B.V.
How can I make " " equal " 0001"?
Jan Hoek
Product Developer
Mprise Products B.V.
I ended up just writing a dll in visual basic and making use of the cstringbuilder class that's been floating around forever. This way I just copy my string into my superstring class (or whatever you want to call it) and use it's methods for manipulation, and then copy the result back into my navision string.
I traded my sanity for a railgun
I traded my sanity for a railgun
I traded my sanity for a railgun