
how to dynamicaly change the ODBC connection in SQLServ DTS?

hipogritohipogrito Member Posts: 13
edited 2005-10-24 in Navision Financials

One question...

Our client's Navision has 10 companies, so we have set an ODBC for each one of this companies. We want to read data using SQL Server 2000 DTs, so we set 10 ODBC connections and we extract data from each of this ODBC connections without problems.

What's the (small) problem?
If we change a field in one table in Navision then we have to change 10 DTS... or 10 lines of Data Transformation Tasks... so, the question is: is there any way to set just one ODBC connection, and dynamicaly change the company (+login, +password) so any change that we do in Navision results in just one change in the DTSs?

One thing.... I can dynamicaly change the connection parameters in run-time in SQL Server DTSs, but Navision ODBC crashes or it just show the new company, but it is still reading data from the previous company.... does anybody know how to do this properly if it's possible? I think it's impossible or, at least very unstable, but our client insists in this issue...

Thank you!



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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I assume that you are using old C/ODBC driver, because you posted this into Navision Financials section...

    In this case, it is possible that the C/ODBC driver is unstable and is not working well... if you can, do technical upgrade (C/SIDE upgrade) to newer version... more about technical upgrade can be found on this forum...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    hipogritohipogrito Member Posts: 13
    Hi Kine:

    Yes, our client uses Navision 2.60 with the ODBC driver that comes in the CD.

    Thank you,

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