Hi all.
We are about to start a Navision integration and our dilemma is how many users Navision will handle. We currently have 88 users running from three locations via Citrix. The fourth location is being integrated and it has 130 users. It would be through Citrix and as a different company in the database but it means that we would have 218 users running at the same time.
What is the largest number of users you have seen and how was your setup?
Thanks for your help.
Navision DB : locktable-problem
It depends on what the users are doing. If they are all working (working means putting in records and posting all the time ; not just opening Navision and sleeping on the keyboard) in different companies or different tables, there is no problem. (The same table in different companies are locked independently, meaning user 1 can lock table 37 in company X and another user can lock the same table in another company)
To avoid this, you can use SQL-server.
Even if you are using SQL-server, this doesn't change the fact that if all users are posting invoices in the same company, it will be better than with a Navision-DB. This because Navision locks the entry tables to get the last "Entry No." and add 1 to create the next record. Some this has the same effect as a tablelock.
My idea would be to use SQL, but do a lot of tuning on it (disabling indexes on SQL, SIFT-indexes on SQL). A lot of those are needed in Navision for sorting, but SQL does not use them.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
We are using a SQL server and the extra users would be in a seperate company. So 130 in one company and 88 in the other.
Please share you experience.
There are manuals (also on MIBUSO) and courses that explain how to do that.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Where should I search them on MIBUSO?
kriki, would you please give me the link on these manuals or courses.
Thanks in advance.
You have to do some setting up and coding but than you can simulate the added number of clients on the network which will give you some impression of the performance after adding 130 users..
The benchmark can be found on this site:
I would be very curios if you could share with me what the biggest license you have seen in use had many users?
Thanks in advance
So it's important when using the application benchmark to create realistic profiles so you can get a good impression of concurrent use.
The number of users will not give you any indication on the performance if you can't make a difference between the different profiles.
Don't know if this is of any help....
Microsoft did benchmark test for 300. They were able to run 300 users with warehouse management and process salesorder with 5 lines in 0.5 second.
The system was modified for SQL performance. As i understand Keys and SIF.
Adaptive Business Solutions
When I first came here, I didn't expect the database to run as well as it does. It's still a bone of conention for users around here when they do get locked, but mostly I chalk that up to you cannot make users happy all the time. Most often, the users (generally) don't understand why the locking occurs and with that comes a frustration level simply because it is a concept they cannot grasp.
I would love to see this database upgraded and optimized for SQL and see how good it would smoke! *hehe*
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer
100 to 150 I guess is okay, depending on platform (SQL or Native)
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