I am currently using Navision Application Server for scheduling a report. The report sometimes gives messages and confirms. When it gives some user output I want to indicate and error. To do this I am using a codeunit which runs the form. when the codeunit returns false I mail myself an error report.
However it seems like it is giving me error message even though all is right..
Anyone have any better idea on how to check for errors?
Navision developer
In this way you can catch only error message or testfield errors etc. Not messages... and of course, you are not able to use Dialogs. Check the eventlog for more info why you have error...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
because you can only catch errors your report will always fail. the only advantage is that your nas is continuing and not stopping.
So you would program a default value if there is no GUI, like this: This way, if the object is run by NAS, the boolean is set to a value you choose, and there will be no screen input/output.
I'm doing this without Navision, so the GUIALLOWED may be slightly different, but check F1 help.
I think I will use a variable in my report which will indicate that it ran succesfully or not. Then fetch the variable from my codeunit after a while.