Hi all,
I'm confronted to a problem for which I have no solution :
I do XML data exchanging with a third party software, and some of the data must be crypted, preferably by a pgp or aes encryption system.
But, despite all my searches, I didn't found anything useful for me ; all that I have to crypt will be mid-length strings (10-20 car.).
The best thing would be an ideal free_pgp_crypt_encrypt.ocx, but this does not exist.
Do you have ideas ??
Arnaud Blondel
Sure I have: GnuPG Navision Interface
Thx for being so fast
I already saw that, but all I have to crypt are caracters strings, not files.
My rescue plan is to dump my string in a file and crypt it using you ocx, but I would prefer use an ocx like this (in a perfect world...
MyDecodedString := MyCrypDecryptOCX.Decrypt(CryptedString, PassPhrase);
Thank you very much.
My first wish, is a free ocx
My second wish, is a cheap ocx
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n